At Heimdal Security we protect users & companies from cyber-criminal actions,by keeping critical information & intellectual property safe.We’re one of the fastest growing companies in the cyber security industry,being focused on user education through the blogs & free online courses & resources.

  1. Thor Foresight Enterprise :



Achieve proactive security and enhance your resilience with Thor Foresight Enterprise.


Proactive, next-gen security featuring EDR and HIPS capabilities to

combat evolving threats and fully secure your organization.


Take your cyber resilience to the next level with the next-gen EDR solution:


The embedded Darklayer GUARD™ is the EDR you need in this threatscape, bringing unique traffic-based malware blocking to prevent endpoint compromise and eliminate the risk of data exfiltration.


Alongside the proprietary VectorN Detection™,with its behavioral analysis of endpoint traffic and IOAs / IOCs, your organization gains the essential

threat hunting tools to actually anticipate attacks and map out the security-critical points in your environment.


With the X-Ploit Resilience module, your organization gains the most powerful and flexible policy deployment tool, with: automated vulnerability, patching – 3rd party software installation – essential intelligence reporting.

DarkLayer Guard – Vector Detection


The next-gen EDR and HIPS capabilities your organization needs to combat evolving threats.


The DarkLayer GuardTM is a unique 2-way traffic filtering engine that supports fully customizable white/blacklisting.

With it, your organization can block network communication to mitigate Zero Hour exploits,Ransomware C&C’s, next-gen attacks and data leakages.

Using our ground-breaking Threat To Process Correlation technology, we can identify attacking processes and provide HIPS capabilities for


The essential Host-Based Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS)

By tracking device-to-infrastructure communication, VectorN DetectionTM will detect 2nd generation malware strains that no other product can see, effectively delivering a HIDS at the machine traffic layer.Using machine learning to establish compromise patters and offering indicators of compromise/attack (IOA/IOC), this is a unique add-on that will boost any other type of endpoint security.


Code-autonomous detection to find threats unseen by NGAV and code scanners

 By tracking device-to-infrastructure communication, VectorN DetectionTM will detect 2nd generation malware strains that no other product can see, effectively delivering a HIDS at the machine traffic layer.Using machine learning to establish compromise patters and offering indicators of compromise/attack (IOA/IOC), this is a unique add-on that will boost any other type of endpoint security.

Malware obfuscation techniques are getting more advanced and capable of evading traditional detection.

X-Ploit Resilience-Infinity Management :



Want to keep your organization safe from cyber threats?


Go beyond inflexible, antiquated policy management.

With X-Ploit Resilience, you can see and manage your software inventory and, at the same time, achieve preemptive vulnerability management. This scalable, flexible and intuitive tool can handle both Microsoft and 3rd party software on-the-fly, from anywhere in the world and according to any schedule.

 Exercise true control over your environment and build true resilience in front of critical cyber threats like ransomware.

Move beyond SCCM / WSUS and discover this unique threat prevention and policy deployment tool for an unrivaled control over your entire infrastructure.

X-Ploit Resilience: the next-gen, fully automated patching and software management solution.

With an intuitive, clean interface and comprehensive reports, you continuously have an overview of essential software, its security status and all the tools necessary to prove compliance.Everything in one place, with granular controls so you can act precisely.

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