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Automated Mobile Application Security Testing with Appknox

#1 Mobile Application Security Testing (MAST) that detects and addresses vulnerabilities in mobile applications. Run just a single scan on your mobile app’s binary to surface all vulnerabilities in under 60 minutes

Automated SAST

Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

Automated DAST

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

Automated API Testing

Application Programming Interface Security Test

Penetration Testing

Manual Penetration Testing + Remediation Call

Automated SAST

One-Click Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

Fully automated SAST completed in minutes on your app’s binary to expedite the time-to-market for a secure mobile application. Once inside Appknox, all your apps appear in a single dashboard. Simply upload the binary of your Android or iOS mobile app in seconds and get the feedback in real-time.

Appknox - SAST - Mobile Application Security - Bulwark Technologies

50+ SAST Test Cases

We have more than 140 test cases, 50 of which are dedicated to SAST. Easily check the level of impact for each test case, and customize these requirements as per the business needs.

Vulnerability Details to Highlight Potential Impact

Get deeper insights into the vulnerabilities and how it impacts your business. Address identified vulnerabilities and improving compliance with regulatory requirement

Password-Protected Exportable Report

Get clear understanding of vulnerabilities and how to fix them. Export password-protected reports for your safety. Quickly shared with your team for further analysis.

APKs, AABs, IPAs, Final Builds — Secure Them All

It doesn’t matter what stage of development you are at and when you choose to test for vulnerabilities. We’ve got you covered either way, simply upload the binary of your app and let us run the scans in record time.

Automated DAST

Real-time Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

Assess the security of your mobile application while it is running in its operational environment. Evaluate the security of your mobile application in a real device environment with remote access, with nearly 25% of all VA Test Cases set aside specifically for the dynamic scan.

Access to real devices

The real device feature on the Appknox DAST dashboard allows you to replicate real-life interactions on your app with remote access. You can understand the data flow – what, when, where & how information is shared, and identify security vulnerabilities.

Automated DAST scan

An automated DAST scanner like Appknox can help you protect multiple mobile applications with ease. This new feature enables you to schedule an upcoming DAST scan for your application(s) with a simple, one-time set-up process that only takes a minute.

30+ DAST test cases

Nearly 25% of all VA Test Cases are set aside specifically for dynamic application security testing. These are designed to reveal potential vulnerabilities that could significantly or moderately impact the business's revenue and reputation.

DAST meets CVSS reporting with Appknox

Automated API Security Testing


Discover API's

During the DAST process, a comprehensive list of APIs is gathered. You can custom-select from the list of these revealed APIs & tailor the list to required focus areas.testing

Appknox - API Scan - Discover API- Mobile Application Security - Bulwark Technologies


Run the Scan

Initiate the testing with one click and uncover vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection, Buffer Overflow, Integer Overflow, LDAP Injection, and more.


Get a Detailed VA Report

Get a comprehensive assessment of possible weak points that could become an issue. Understand how these vulnerabilities would affect your business.

Appknox - API Scan Report - Mobile Application Security - Bulwark Technologies

Tailored API List

The network traffic generated by the app is monitored and filtered by the API endpoints in DAST. You can custom-select the APIs that you want to inspect and then initiate the scan.

API Test Cases

Automated scan with test cases dedicated to scanning your Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Categorized as critical, high, medium, and low, they help you know their impact on business.

Zero False Positives

False positives can lead to unnecessary and costly remediation efforts. Get an assessment that only identifies actual vulnerabilities, rather than potential vulnerabilities or false positives.

Appknox Penetration Testing

Step 1

Entrust - Request a Manual Pentest

Step 2

Comprehensice vulnerabilities list

Step 3

Understand Vulnerabilities on Call

Product Demo

Get Complete Mobile Application Security with Appknox and Bulwark Technologies

Schedule a demo now with Bulwark Technologies for Appknox Mobile Application Security Solution. Join over 300 Enterprises, SMBs, and Developers who trust Appknox to help them make their mobile applications secure.

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