Bulwark Distribution FZCO

Nexus - Identity Solution

Nexus secure society by enabling trusted identities for physical and digital access

Bulwark Technologies is an authorised distributor for Nexus – identity solutions which provides trusted identities for workforce, workplace, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Authorised Distributor for Nexus identity solutions in India and Middle East

Bulwark Technologies is an authorised distributor for Nexus Smart ID – identity solutions which provides trusted identities for workforce, workplace, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Our comprehensive portfolio of identity and security solutions enables organizations of all sizes and industries worldwide to issue, manage, and utilize trusted identities for their workforce, workplace, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Nexus Trusted Identities for

Internet of Things - IoT

Enable true end-to-end security and prevent cyber attacks against IoT applications by issuing trusted identities. These trusted identities secure the IoT applications with strong authentication of devices, people and servers, encrypted communication and proven data integrity

Nexus Trusted Identities for

Workforce & Workplace

Digital Transformation and Zero Trust concepts require trusted identities. Issuance and management of trusted identities, mitigate risks, ensure compliance to regulations, and restrict access based on business needs. Trusted identities can be used to securely access facilities and digital resources, sign documents and encrypt e-mail.

Unleash the power of PKI

A public key infrastructure (PKI) provides a solid security foundation for strong authentication, email encryption, digital signing, and securing IoT devices and applications.

The Nexus Smart ID PKI allows governments and businesses to enable trust with certificate-based identities for citizens, employees, applications, things, and smart devices

Adopt true end-to-end security

The Smart ID PKI issues certificate-based, cryptographically secure, unforgeable identities that enable,

Strong authentication: Certificate-based authentication ensures only authorized users, devices, or servers can connect to a network or application. Revocation of certificates instantly blocks access in case of compromise or emergency.

Encryption and privacy: Certificates guarantee encrypted communication between devices and services to securely transmit data over TLS.

Integrity: Digitally signed messages based on certificates prove the origin of data and detect data manipulation. Signed firmware ensures secure software updates from verified sources.

nexus-smart-id-pki- complete-comply and feature rich

Complete, compliant, and feature-rich

Enhance interoperability

The Smart ID PKI supports a wide range of enrolment protocols and interfaces which makes it easily extensible to various use cases while keeping it secure and compliant with global industry standards.

Nexus Smart ID PKI

The only complete PKI platform

Certificate Factory

Responsible for control mechanisms and data preparation in the issuance process.

Support for HSMs

Connect with several HSMs over the PKCS#11 cryptographic interface, to manage CA keys, TLS keys, key archiving, PIN protection, and user keys

Distribution Agent

Responsible for distributing certificates, CRLs, and CILs to different services

Key Generation System

Performs key generation and smart card pre-personalization functions

Certificate Issuing System

Creates, uses, and deletes CA keys on demand from the Certificate Factory, in addition to certificate and CRL signing

SNMP Protocol

Allows for the CF and CIS-managed services to forward notifications over the SNMP protocol

OCSP Responder

Answers queries on behalf of one or several CAs, enabling multi-tenant hosting, about the revocation and issuance status of certificates

Timestamp Server

Based on the RFC3161 protocol, the Timestamp server lets you set up a timestamp service to be used for different use cases

Protocol Gateway

Handles standard protocols and functionalities for enrolling certificates to different kinds of devices

Deploy Smart ID PKI in your preferred mode




Nexus Smart ID - PKI

Explore Nexus Smart ID PKI for IoT, workforce and workplace devices.